
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nails, Nails, Nails!

I wanted to do a post on nails because nails say a lot about you.  You might get negative perceptions if your nails are not well taken care of.  Another thing, the more I see acrylic nails, the less I like them.  Nails are supposed to make your hands look beautiful, and although acrylic nails can give the length, they can make you look just like what they are, FAKE.  Most importantly, your real nails will be completely ruined when you remove them.  So next time, go with a nice mani instead.  Remember, nails are a way to enhance your hands and feet, so always keep them nice and neat (hey, that rhymed!).  Here are some key points to remember:
-Don't get acrylic nails.  If you notice, models and celebrities (the glamorous ones) never wear acrylic nails.  Not that I look up to them, but they do have access to the best stylists!  Thalia once said, "Nails are like orgasms, they should never be fake."

-Nail Polish can be used for fun; you can do colorful designs, or simply a clear coat.

-Always make sure you can upkeep your nails, if your nail polish rubs off, you must either fix it, or remove it completely.

-Try to keep all nails the same length; you don't want to have nine long nails and one short.

-Don't bite your nails! I used to bite my nails, and I got rid of that nasty habit by getting a nice mani, I didn't want to ruin my nails!

-When you are ready to put nail polish on, always use a base coat.  You might think salons take this extra step just because but it actually protects the nail from discoloration.  You might have seen this when you remove your nail polish, they look a little yellow.

-A top coat can make your nail polish last a lot longer, so consider using one.  If you want to use the best of the best you can buy Seche (it's a bit expensive but it is worth it!) which runs at about $10 at Walgreens.

-Carry your nail polish with you, that way if the nail polish rubs off or chips, you can always fix it on the go.

-Don't overlap nail polish colors.  I once knew someone that whenever they were in a hurry, they would just overlap their old manicure with another color.  It is best to simply remove the nail polish, and it takes the same amount of time.

-Moisturize! I like to rub Vitamin E on the cuticles of my nails, olive oil works just as good, and if you want to get fancy you can use a variety of oils such as almond oil, which is perfect for nails, plus it smells great!

-Take Vitamin B.  This helps your nails stay strong, grow faster, plus they do the same for your hair!

You don't have to wear nail polish to make your nails look pretty.
You shouldn't go too fancy with your nails if you won't have the time to upkeep them.  Instead, opt for a buffer such as the Revlon Crazy Shine.  It makes your nails super shiny, naturally, without nail polish and it can last up to two weeks.  It's only about $3 at Wal-Mart or Target.  You will be amazed when you see the results and even more when you see it does not rub off!  Don't forget about your toe nails, they are just as important (if you are going to show them off) so please, don't use open toe shoes if they are not looking neat.

So ultimately, your nails should always give a positive perception about yourself.  After all, your hands are one of the first things people notice in you. Think about it, you use them when you give that initial handshake, when you talk, eat, write, etc.  So always remember to keep them looking beautiful!  And, if you choose to use acrylic nails, please avoid looking like this.

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